
In this article, I’d like to share a little clip from the late Steve Jobs on his rules for success. This is by far, the simplest rules ever discussed on achieving success – whether personal or business.


Do what you love. It’s as simple as that. If you’re doing something that’s within your core – your passion, then it’s not going to be work for you. Ask Yourself – Is this what I really want to be doing with my time? If not, then keep searching for that “thing” that keeps you excited and interested the whole time.

If you’re starting a startup, the main goal is to have a scalable business model that works, and to provide a service that offers solutions to a certain market. At it’s core -  the product or service is something that you love.

Have a Great Team Behind You

Startup founders and entrepreneurs usually have the great vision for the company. But in order to take that vision from an idea to a tangible product, you need help in several areas. It’s nice if you have the necessary skills to code, to have a business background to do plans and strategies and communication skills to present. But doing all of it requires time and effort, and going it alone will probably lead you to more wasted time.

Just as Steve Jobs said, surround yourself with a team of great people. Take a look at what he did at Apple. The guy obviously have the vision for the products they were creating, but he had an awesome team of engineers, designers, developers and marketers to back him up and  pull it off.

And the inspiring thing about it is that, even though Steve Jobs is gone, his system and team still operates exactly how he would have it. Still churning out innovative products like the new Power Mac and the recently launched iPhone 5c and 5s.

The Perfect Formula: Passionate Team

Now this is probably the best scenario for any startup – having a team that shares the same level of vision, passion and dedication of it’s founder. This combination can and will provide excellent results.



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Posted in Startup Lessons on October 13, 2013   0

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